Report another EA Benchmark

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Location: (Grid Reference, Lat,Lng pair or postcode) Use current location Grid Reference, Lat,Lng pair or postcode
BM Owner Orientation:
On structure: Brief (50 chars or less) description of what the BM is attached to
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  2. The only personal information we store is that which you enter when completing a contact or bench mark reporting form. We use this data purely for the purposes of displaying information about benchmarks, and to contact you should you request it in response to a query you raise. Contact details are never made available through the site.
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  4. This is a personal project. Any views or opinions expressed explicitly or implicitly on this site are personal and belong solely to the site owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organisations that the owner may be associated with in a personal or professional capacity. Any views are not intended to malign or cause offence to any religion, ethnic group, club, organisation, company or individual. The site is not associated or affiliated in any way with the Environment Agency or other agencies whose benchmarks are documented here. All content on the site is provided for entertainment or educational purposes only. The owner makes no representations about the accuracy or completeness of any information in the site nor for the availabilty of the whole or any part of the site. The owner will not be liable for any losses, injuries or damages arising from the display or use of this site.
  5. Some benchmarks documented here may be on private property, and inclusion does not imply a right of public access.
  6. Textual content throughout the site is the copyright © Roger Templeman 2025. Images are copyright © Roger Templeman unless explicitly captioned otherwise; where reproduction elsewhere is permitted there will be a link to the applicable license.
  7. While using Google mapping to illustrate location of benchmarks, this site is wholly separate from Google. However it depends on Google's mapping services and we can take no responsibility for the availability or otherwise of Google's services. Click on "Map Data" or "Terms of Use" links on individual mapping images for further information.
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